About Us
Board of Directors & Key Managerial Personnel
Mrs. Sarita Gupta
Managing Director
Mrs. Sarita Gupta is 47 years old. She is having rich experience of managing business organization. The varied exposure has made her wise and a result oriented person.The most significant value prominent in her personality is her credibility amongst the people she comes across in her day to day business dealing. She plays a key role in implementation of the business plans as well as conceptualization of all new projects formulated by Board of Directors.
Ms. Renu
Non Executive Director
Ms. Renu is 38 years old. She is holding directorship in some other Companies. She plays a key role in implementation of the business plans as well as conceptualization of all new projects formulated by Board of Directors.
Sri Sanjeev Kumar
Non Executive Independent Director
Mr. Sanjeev Kumar is 38 years old and has recently joined the Company. He is having good time experience in Financial Sector. He is also having directorship in some other Companies.
Shri Kishan Gupta
Non-executive Independent Director
Shri Kishan Gupta is 50 years old. He is Bachelor of Commerce and has a good exposure of finance. He has recently joined the Company as Director.
Key Managerial Personnel
Ms. Reena Bhaskar
Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
Ms. Reena Bhaskar is a qualified Company Secretary. She is having work experience of 2 years approximately.